Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Where Princeton's Drinking Water Comes From
In preparation for a canoe trip down the Millstone River, I researched which local watersheds serve as the source of Princeton's drinking water. A post on the subject can be found on another of my blogs, here.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Zip Codes Relevant To Princeton
A bit of info about zip codes in Princeton, obtained while trying to get energy use data for the town.
08540 Princeton township and borough, except Palmer Square
08542 Palmer Square (one business district in Princeton borough)
08541 is ETS (an educational institution outside of town)
08543 PO Box section (post office itself) (not necessarily Princeton residents)
08544 Princeton University
08540 Princeton township and borough, except Palmer Square
08542 Palmer Square (one business district in Princeton borough)
08541 is ETS (an educational institution outside of town)
08543 PO Box section (post office itself) (not necessarily Princeton residents)
08544 Princeton University
Monday, July 19, 2010
Philadelphia Story

When friends fly in to Philadelphia Airport, we stop in Philadelphia on the way to or from New Jersey. That's what we did yesterday, to soak up some history, late on a relaxed-seeming Sunday afternoon, before dropping my friends at the airport. I pulled in to a parking space on Market Street, and while trying to make sense of the small print on the signs that explain parking regulations, a man approached me. "Don't pay any attention to the signs," he said. "They never check the parking." His voice sounded friendly and authoritative enough to believe, though in return for providing some local wisdom that could save me some parking meter money, he asked if I could spare a couple bucks for a sandwich. I gruffly said no, and went back to getting what we needed from the car.
As we walked towards the Independence Visitors' Center, my teenage daughter informed me that I had been less than friendly towards the man, and that he had seemed upset afterwards, grumbling under his breath. Yes, I thought, maybe I should have been generous and given him some money on the chance that he was indeed a fine man down on his luck, who likes to help out confused tourists in his spare time. I had entered Philadelphia thinking I was an American interested in my country's history, but the encounter with the street fellow had left me feeling like a caricature: affluent, stingy, indulging in idle curiosity on a Sunday afternoon while others struggle just to get by. My daughter also mentioned that she had left her camera in the car. Doubts about whether I had remembered to lock up, and whether the parking space was legal, caused me to go back and move the car.
I drove down a side street, found what looked like a legitimate parking space, then caught up with my friends at the visitors' center. An hour later, looking for a restaurant, we noticed a parking meter man walking down a street. So much for the street man's wisdom. I went back to check the car only to find that it had disappeared. "Is your car gone, too?," someone asked. Thus began an adventure that led me far from my affection for the city. We concluded that everyone's cars had been towed, rather than stolen, though the distinction would begin to dissolve over the next hour. An initial call to the phone number on the parking sign got an answering machine. No car, and no idea where it could be.
I made haste to the restaurant, where my friends reminded me that they couldn't take a taxi or train to catch their plane, because their bags were in the trunk of my car. By chance, a man out in front of the restaurant knew all about what he called "the towing racket," saying he has a case pending with the parking authority. He gave me the phone number and location of the impoundment.
Returning to the scene of the towing/theft, I found the others preparing to drive to the impoundment. They offered a ride, and explained that they were a church group from Illinois that had come to Philadelphia to install new roofs on the homes of people who had applied for help. Somewhere in the scriptures, surely there is a quote to the effect: "Let no good deed go unpunished." The irony was thick as we drove through a desolate industrial area near Ikea in search of our impounded cars. Adding to the irony was a sign at the entryway to the Philadelphia Parking Authority impoundment, displaying the initials PPA, with the A in the shape of the Liberty Bell. The bell, which we had gazed upon just an hour earlier, was starting to symbolize not freedom defended but liberty taken--with our cars and our pocketbooks.
Now, I am not a great defender of cars, or of car culture. If it were up to me, cars would never have been invented, and we would all be walking or riding bikes to nearby stores, or hopping on trolleys and trains. If there were no cars, there would be no concrete wastelands, no stripmalls, no fast food to make us fat, no car insurance or repair bills to pay, no aggressive towing scams, and a whole lot less chance the world will be destabilized by global warming. Impounding all the cars in the world would have its benefits.
But there was the small matter of getting my friends on to their plane, which was now scheduled to take off in not much more than an hour. My teenager called for frequent updates, as the man behind the counter demanded my driver's licence, license plate number, registration and proof of insurance. I managed all but the latter, which took a long wait on hold to retrieve from my insurance company. On one side of the counter were employees joking among themselves. On the other side were people desperate to get their cars back, and sick at the thought of having to pay hundreds of dollars in towing fees and parking fines in the process.
Mindful that the employees were not the architects of this nightmare, I kept my patience, at least until the very end, when the man informed me that the $150 I had just paid was only the towing fee, and that my additional parking fine could be found in the envelope he had just handed me. "Jesus Christ!!", I blurted, as I steamed out the door to finally retrieve my car. Having heard that one couple there was facing a $250 fine, plus the towing fee, I expected the worst. In retrospect, I interpret my utterance to be a calling out of warning to the son of God, lest he be planning a return that involves parking in downtown Philadelphia.
Thanks to a helpful taxi driver I asked for directions, I got my friends to the airport in time. And the experience proved good fodder for conversation on the drive home, during which my daughters and I discussed the in's and out's of trusting strangers. With a $50 parking fine, I was $200 lighter, and most definitely freed of any guilt for being unthankful to the man on the street for his unsolicited advice. Armed with my new street smarts, I'd guess he gets by on kickbacks from the towing company.
In the heat of the moment, I vowed to deprive Philadelphia of any more of my visitor's dollars, to make the city pay for its rude treatment of well-intentioned people. If I had time, I'd try to find out where all that money ends up, or maybe I'd suggest the Independence Visitor's Center develop a new exhibit: "Shakedowns Through the Centuries."
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Primary Election Choices for Princetonians
A great surprise came yesterday when I, likely a typical Princeton resident who has paid little attention to the upcoming primary, decided to google information about who is running in next Tuesday's election. Google always comes through, I thought, but in this case I found nothing.
What followed was a call to the Mercer County Clerk to the Board, who referred me to the Superintendent of Elections office, which referred me to the County Clerk, who confirmed that there is NO INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET about who is running or what their views and records are, other than what is generated by the candidates themselves and whatever newspaper articles one might eventually be able to dig up.
The clerk kindly sent me an email with info about what choices I might face in the voting booth, but to learn about their positions on issues I was encouraged to seek out their respective websites. Seems harder than it should be.
What followed was a call to the Mercer County Clerk to the Board, who referred me to the Superintendent of Elections office, which referred me to the County Clerk, who confirmed that there is NO INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET about who is running or what their views and records are, other than what is generated by the candidates themselves and whatever newspaper articles one might eventually be able to dig up.
The clerk kindly sent me an email with info about what choices I might face in the voting booth, but to learn about their positions on issues I was encouraged to seek out their respective websites. Seems harder than it should be.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Citizen Group to Present Concerns about Borough Budget
The Citizens Finance Advisory Task Force will be making its first presentation to borough council tomorrow, Tuesday at 7:30. Members of the task force have been digging through borough budgets past and present and have documented the particulars of how expenditures have been growing faster than inflation, population and the natural tax base.
Though I hope to provide some input to the task force on environment-related expenditures, the group's current priority is providing input prior to this year's negotiations of salaries. The task force has found that Princeton Borough pays its employees more than Princeton University does for similar work, and provides better benefits. Ways to bring the borough's pay structure more in line with the private sector will be discussed.
Though I hope to provide some input to the task force on environment-related expenditures, the group's current priority is providing input prior to this year's negotiations of salaries. The task force has found that Princeton Borough pays its employees more than Princeton University does for similar work, and provides better benefits. Ways to bring the borough's pay structure more in line with the private sector will be discussed.
Monday, January 04, 2010
Single Stream Recycling Begins in Princeton

According to a Dec. 31 article in the Princeton Packet, this streamlining of recycling pickups is expected to save $53,000 for the borough and $176,000 for the township over the next three years. The article says the savings come from "fewer trucks, reduced manpower, fewer personal and other things like required maintenance on the vehicles." Most important for the future of the planet will be a reduction in fossil fuel use.
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