Friday, January 13, 2017

Bicycling on Vandeventer

The other day, riding my bike southward on Vandeventer at a goodly rate and in the approved manner, I heard a honk, and glanced back to see a car following close behind. With parked cars on the right, I had no room to move out of his way, and so proceeded apace. To my astonishment, he pulled closer, within two feet of my bike, in an effort to intimidate. I didn't know what to do. Finally, he veered out into the opposite lane and passed in a huff. All this haste came to nothing, as moments later he was forced to stop and wait like everyone else for the traffic light at Nassau Street. Noting his captive presence in the line, I approached and tippy tapped ever so discreetly upon his window and inquired in the politest, most diplomatic tone I could summon--my memory is a bit unclear as to the exact language used--something to the effect of, "Whatever do you think you are doing?" I continued in a similar manner until fully vented, doing my best at all times to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor, though word choice and intensity may have been influenced by an awareness of having just been bullied. Then, gaining no response other than an averted eye, I went on my way, confident that my thoughtful, nuanced feedback would steer him towards deep reflection and a changed behavior going forward.

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