Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ciclovia Sunday, June 28, Quaker Road

Ciclovia, Ciclovia, where have you been? We've missed you. Ever since meeting you for the first time last year, down on Quaker Road. You made us feel free. You made us feel like there's a future. A road not pumping more fossil carbon up into the atmosphere for a whole afternoon. And such a beautiful name. Ciclovia, the Greek goddess of the open road. Or maybe she's Columbian, since Wikipedia says she shows up in Bogota and other cities every Sunday.

So venture on down, past Einstein's house on Mercer St, past the Princeton Battlefield, past the Friends School. Take your bike, your stroller, your unicycle, roller blades, whatever, for a spin on Quaker Road, which will be car-free from 1-4pm.  Updike Farm's giant mulberry tree may have some mulberries left. Check out all the programming, which includes some opening remarks by the mayor, an hour of swing dancing (on bicycles?), tours, and I think they've arranged for Nature to stop by with some fine weather.

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